Learn to use the entire fretboard with the Incredible Scale Finder! This book contains more than 1,300 scale diagrams for the most important 17 scale types, including major and minor scales, pentatonics, the seven major modes, diminished, melodic minor, harmonic minor, and more – in all 12 keys! Basic scale theory is also presented to help you apply these colorful sounds in your own music. MORE»
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Learn to use the entire fretboard with the Incredible Scale Finder! This book contains more than 1,300 scale diagrams for the most important 17 scale types, including major and minor scales, pentatonics, the seven major modes, diminished, melodic minor, harmonic minor, and more – in all 12 keys! Basic scale theory is also presented to help you apply these colorful sounds in your own music. MORE»
Learn to play chords on the mandolin with this comprehensive, yet easy-to-use book. The Hal Leonard Mandolin Chord Finder contains over 1,000 chord diagrams for the most important 28 chord types, including three voicings for each chord. Also includes a lesson on chord construction, and a fingerboard chart of the mandolin neck! MORE»
The Banjo Chord Finder is an extensive reference guide to over 2,800 banjo chords, covering four of the most commonly used tunings. Thirty different chord qualities are covered for each key, and each chord quality is presented in two different voicings. Also includes a lesson on chord construction and a fingerboard chart of the banjo neck! Also available in a 9″ x 12″ edition (00695741). MORE»
Learn to play chords on the ukulele with this comprehensive yet easy-to-use book. The Ukulele Chord Finder contains over 1,000 chord diagrams for the most important 28 chord types, including three voicings for each chord. Also includes a lesson on chord construction and a fingerboard chart of the ukulele neck! MORE»
A complete guide diagramming over 1,000 guitar chords in their most common voicings. The book is arranged chromatically and each chord is illustrated in three ways for three levels of difficulty: the easiest form of the chords for the beginner and the more difficult versions for the intermediate and advanced players. Note names of each string are indicated on each chord diagram to let the player know what notes are being played in the chord.
MORE»Easy-to-follow charts to get you playing right away are presented in this collection for all guitarists. Includes 14 songs in chords, lyrics and basic tab: All My Loving • All You Need Is Love • Blackbird • Good Day Sunshine • Here Comes the Sun • Hey Jude • I Want to Hold Your Hand • In My Life • Let It Be • Love Me Do • Octopus's Garden • With a Little Help from My Friends • Yellow Submarine • Yesterday.
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23 of Taylor's finest from her country and pop career for easy guitar with standard notation and tablature. Includes: Blank Space • Cardigan • Fifteen • I Knew You Were Trouble • Love Story • Mean • Picture to Burn • Shake It Off • Teardrops on My Guitar • We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together • You Belong with Me • and more.
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Now Swifties can strum along to 27 songs on the uke with this collection of arrangements with the vocal melody, lyrics, and chord diagrams for standard G-C-E-a tuning. Includes: Blank Space • Cardigan • I Knew You Were Trouble • Love Story • Lover • Mean • Shake It Off • Today Was a Fairytale • Willow • You Belong with Me • and more.
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This Manuscript Paper Deluxe Pad from Proline is a tear-off pad with firm backing for easy writing and includes 32 sheets (64 pages) printed on both sides with 12 staves per page. It's 8-1/2" x 11" and is punched to fit all ring binders, and comes with a music notation guide.
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This complete guide to chords not only gives you forms, positions, and fingerings, but also shows you how chords are used in music. It includes 2 helpful sections of music theory information that teach you how to find, alter, and substitute chords, as well as explanations of harmonic functions, modes, and blues harmony. With over 800 guitar chord forms illustrated and tables of moveable chord forms, the Ultimate Guitar Chord User's Guide book will expand your chord knowledge and control to the max. 96 pages.
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This standard manuscript paper from Proline gives you 12 staves per page, punched to fit all ring binders. It includes a music notation guide. 64 stitched pages. 8-1/2" x 11".
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The Ukulele Manuscript Paper Pad is a 64-page stitched book. At 8-1/2" x 11" it includes standard notation and tablature with punched holes to fit a 3-ring binder, ukulele chord chart and perforated pages.
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The Suzuki Tonechimes Method Volume 1 contains 8 popular songs scored for 25 notes. To instantly make music, simply pass out the pre-written Suzuki music sheets to each student. Songs include: Star Spangled Banner, America the Beautiful, The First Noel, O' Come All Ye Faithful, Greensleeves, Amazing Grace, Kumbaya, and Deck the Halls. MORE»
List | $59.99 |
Volume 10, Sacred/Spirituals 8 sacred and spiritual songs scored for 2 octaves with harmony. Songs include: A Mighty Fortress is Our God, He's got the Whole World in His Hands, Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho, Michael, Row the Boat Ashore, Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen, Rock of Ages, Shall We Gather at the River, Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. MORE»
List | $59.99 |
This collection contains eight favorite American songs arranged for young Tonechime players who may, or may not have an understanding of note reading. The songs contain 23 of the notes included in a basic two-octave Tonechime set. These arrangements are designed as a quick and easy way to get started making beautiful music with Tonechimes. It is highly suggested that each student learn note and rhythm reading as well as developing total understanding of Tonechime performance. MORE»
List | $59.99 |
This collection contains eight favorite Christmas songs arranged for young Tonechime players who may, or may not have an understanding of note reading. The songs contain all of the notes included ina three-octave Tonechime set. The score includes the lyrics for each verse and is reproducible for students to want to sing along. MORE»
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8 patriotic American songs scored for 3 octaves with harmony. Songs include: America, America The Beautiful, Battle Hymn of the Republic, Columbia, The Gem of the Ocean, The Star-Spangled Banner, Yankee Doodle, Yankee Doodle Dandy, You're A Grand Old Flag. MORE»
List | $59.99 |
More favorites arranged for instant tonechime performance. MORE»
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Scored Music Sheets for Suzuki ToneChimes.This collection contains eight favourite songs arranged for young ToneChime players who may, or may not have an understanding of note reading. The songs contain 21 of the notes included in a basic two-octave ToneChime set. These arrangements are designed as a quick and easy way to get started making beautiful music with ToneChimes. It is suggested that each student learn note and rhythm reading as well as developing total understanding of ToneChime performance. The score includes the lyrics for each verse and is reproducible for students who want to sing along. MORE»
List | $59.99 |
This collection contains eight favorite international songs arranged for young Tonechime players who may, or may not have an understanding of note reading. These arrangements are designed as a quick and easy way to get started making beautiful music with Tonechimes. MORE»
List | $59.99 |
This collection contains eight favorite American songs arranged for young Tonechime players who may, or may not have an understanding of note reading. These arrangements are designed as a quick and easy way to get started making beautiful music with Tonechimes. MORE»
List | $59.99 |
Scored Music Sheets for Suzuki ToneChimes. This collection contains eight favorite holiday songs arranged for young ToneChime players who may, or may not have an understanding of note reading. The songs contain 23 of the 25 notes included in a basic two-octave ToneChime set. These arrangements are designed as a quick and easy way to get started making beautiful music with ToneChimes. MORE»
List | $59.99 |
Student Workbook 32 page student instruction method/workbook demonstrates every detail of correct playing techniques, note reading, scoring your own music and progressive exercises. MORE»
List | $11.49 |